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Discover a new side of Tokyo through walking!

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Meguro City [Highlight]
Yutenji Temple

Yutenji/Chuo-cho area / Walk Yutenji and the vestiges of the old horse track

Route Description

<Main route>Naka-meguro Sta.→Meguro City Office Complex→Yutenji Temple→Yatomaegawa Nature Path→Meguro Racecourse Monument→Sakuranosato Machikado Park→Shimizu Koshin→Tokamori Inari-jinja Shrine→Gohongi Koshintogun→Yutenji Sta.
<Shortened route>Naka-meguro Sta.→Meguro City Office Complex→Yutenji Temple→Yatomaegawa Nature Path→Meguro Racecourse Monument→Sakuranosato Machikado Park→Musashi-Koyama Sta.

Follow the traces of the Edo period in a quiet, relaxing neighborhood

* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.

PDF walking mapDownload

(pamphlet edition: 9.20MB)

PDF walking mapDownload

(complete edition: 5.35MB)

* This course is included on P.27-30 of the pamphlet edition of the PDF version of the Walking Map, and P.1 of the complete edition.

* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.

* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.

[Meguro City Office / Health Promotion Section TEL 03-5722-9586]

Other nearby courses.
