Tip 6
Walking your dog can kill two birds with one stone—exercise for you and stress-relief for your dog. But there are some things to remember. Here are some safety and etiquette tips (time, route, etc.) for walking with your dog.
We cannot forget our neighbors and fellow pedestrians when walking with our dogs. Let's take a look at this list of things to carry and things to be aware of.
A collar and leash are absolutely necessary. Dogs can react automatically to anything that moves. You may cause yourself trouble if your dog jumps at a passer-by, runs out into the road, or does anything unpredictable. A collar and leash are items that prevent such accidents. You should also have some plastic bags, newspaper and water for cleaning up dog waste.
Make your dog walk beside you, not in front of you. This is called "heeling." Heeling can prevent your dog from making sudden moves. You might resist this idea at first, because it seems to restrict the dog's movement, but the dog will get used to it soon. To train your dog, stop when the dog pulls on the leash.
If your dog poops during your walk, be sure to handle it properly and take it home. Dog waste left in public places like electric poles, parks and sandboxes is an inconvenience to others.
Everyone knows it is common courtesy to avoid busy hours when the streets are full of people and cars, for example work and school commuting hours. You can shift your walk time by a mere 30 minutes. Try different times over several days, and you will get a feel for the best time to walk your dog on your preferred route. You want to avoid provoking a complaint, which can make your walking routine hard to keep up, so be aware of passers-by and choose a time that is safe for your dog.
These are some good tips to consider in order to better enjoy walking with your dog.